Frequently Asked Questions


If your child is absent or late please contact the school before 9am - 03 2395763, text 027 4674373 or e-mail  You will be contacted if they are absent with no explanation. You can use the Skool Loop App to report absences or Here.
If you remove your child during the day for whatever reason (sickness, appointments, etc) you must sign him/her out at the school office.
Truancy has become a prevalent issue since Covid, as a result of this the government has implemented support roles. Attendance officers have been appointed and proactively look into irregularly or moderately absent children.
The area for notice is: around attendance less than 88-92%. To give perspective, 80% absence = 1 day a week.


Please inform the school in advance of any anticipated absence over 5 days.


If you pick up a child from school please alert the duty teacher. If children are to go to another stop, or are not going home on the bus the school MUST be informed before 2.45pm, by phone:-  03 2395763 ext3.
Contact the school when you enrol a child to check eligibility and where your nearest bus stop would be.
There are two bus runs servicing Gorge Road School. The river/Kapuka run is from Gorge Road School to the Mataura River by Holz Road all the way up to Mokotua via Kapuka South, and the Oteramika run which runs from Gorge Road School to Mokotua and does a loop down Waituna Road back to school.

Eligible pupils are those who are:

a) aged under ten years and live more than 3.2km, and
b) aged ten years and over, who live more than 4.8 km from this school
c) disadvantaged through physical disability
d) living closer to another school but are still eligible under (a) and (b) above and choose to transfer eligibility to this school.


School donations help to pay for additional teaching and learning resources and class trips. This donation is tax deductible and a receipt will be issued. Donations are voluntary. The BOT suggest $80 per child, $120 for two children, $160 for three children and $180 for four or more children.
This is divided evenly over the four term year.


If your child becomes sick or has an accident staff will administer first aid as required. If a serious incident occurs every effort will be made to notify you or your emergency contact.


Medicines for specific, non-contagious illnesses must be labeled and all instructions are to be in writing. We have been advised children requiring antibiotics 3x per day can take these before and after school and do not need to bring them to school. If antibiotics are to be taken 4x per day then children should not be attending school.

Dental Clinic:

Children are treated on a rostered basis at Ascot Community School’s mobile unit.
Swimming: Swimming lessons are part of the school curriculum, and are usually between December and April.  All children are expected to participate. If your child is to be excused for health reasons please send a not, or contact the school via phone, text or email. 


All children are encouraged to complete homework activities as part of their learning


Teacher Chats:

The teachers and the principal are available to talk to you about your child's progress. The best time to see a teacher is after 3 pm. To avoid disappointment, it is recommended that parents phone the school office to arrange a convenient time for both parties. The best time to make such a phone call is between 9am and 10:30am.


Parents with complaints of a minor nature are encouraged to talk to the teacher concerned immediately. Should the complaint be about a teacher, the teacher should be approached before any other action. Complaints of a more serious nature should be made to the Principal or the BOT Chairperson. .


Weekly assemblies are held on Mondays at 9.00am.
School assembly is an opportunity to celebrate the successes and work of the students.  Parents are welcome to attend this assembly.


Please note that the bell times can change from term to term, depending on what learning programmes are in place for students. 

9:00am -to 10:00am Morning Lessons commence

10:00 am     Fruit Break

10:00am to 10:50am - Lessons continue

10:50am to 11:00am PE Break

11:00am to 11:20am Morning Break

11:20 am to 11:30 am Morning Tea

11:30 am to 12:25pm - Lessons continue

12:25pm to 1:10pm - Lunch Break and Eating

1:05 pm to 2:50pm - Lessons

2:50pm - School finishes


The Board of Trustees meets twice a term.  The meetings are held in the Staffroom, usually commencing at 7pm.  Details are in the school newsletter.  If you want to have an item placed on the agenda, please contact the chairperson.  All parents and members of the community are welcome to attend the Board Meetings, but do not have speaking rights unless this has been previously requested.


At various times during the year children may bring home an order form for books. There is absolutely no compulsion for parents to buy books.


EOTC (Education Outside the Classroom) activities take place during the year.  These include school and class day trips and camps of various kinds. A charge may be made for some of these activities.


 The School has 1-1 digital devices for student use.  These are to supplement and enrich classroom programmes, and to further student learning.  Care must be taken when using these. All students/ parents/ caregivers/ whanau, must sign the appropriate forms to use these devices.  


Due to the school being located on a highway, it is recommended that children younger than 10 years of age do not ride to school unaccompanied.  For all children biking to school the Board requests that a letter is given to the school which states the parent's full responsibility for the safety of the children and their equipment.
The school also organizes wheelie Wednesday and other events which children can bring scooters and other things along.


Parents are asked to support the school  by encouraging children to  respect their own, and other people's property.  Wilful damage will be recorded by the principal and arrangements made for whatever compensation is felt necessary.


Gorge Road School provides wide-brim hats and sunscreen for all students. Children may wear their own hats to and from school, but are expected to wear the school sunhats while on school activities.

  • The Department of Health Nurse with responsibility for Gorge Road School can be reached on 03 211 0113 .
  • Head lice can be a problem in schools.  The nurse recommends parents regularly check their children's hair for eggs and lice.  Treatments, products and advice are available from chemists.

Gorge Road School is fortunate to have a well-equipped library. Students visit the library regularly, and are issued with their book choices. Please make sure that books are returned in a timely manner..


Unclaimed clothing and footwear are put in a bin outside the classroom block. This is available to view 24/7..
Note:  Please ensure that your child's clothing and footwear is clearly named, so it can be returned easily.


Hot lunches are available to purchase during the week. Lunch money is to be in a named, sealed envelope, and put into the hot lunch bucket before school.  Any change is given out twice each term. Please bring money in a named envelope and drop into the Hot Lunches Bucket in each classroom before 9am.  
Price changes will be notified by newsletters during the year.


Year 6, 7 & 8 students participate in technology classes at Ascot Community School, where they are taught woodwork, hard materials, food/bio-technology and soft materials.  The fee for Manual classes covers materials and transport is approximately $25 per Term.


Gorge Road School is a full primary school and can enrol children from Years 1-8. Children can start school on their 5th birthday.
The best time to enrol children is at the office, between 9am – 11am.
Pre-enrolment Checklist:- Please provide the following :

Completed enrolment form, staff will help with this is required or you can enrol your children online here.

  • Birth Certificate
  • Passport/ Visas
  • Health Card & Immunisation Certificate

Preschool/ New Entrant Transition Visits
Children are encouraged to visit the school, with their parents, prior to starting.
Visits are usually offered on Mondays and Wednesdays upon discussion with the New Entrant teacher.

Preparation For School: 

It will help new entrants to be prepared for school by knowing how to do the following:

Children should:

  • recognise own written name
  • know own name, address and telephone number
  • remember to flush the toilet after use and wash hands
  • be able to put away play things after using them
  • know how to hold scissors and how to use them
  • take off and put on outer garments without help
  • recognise basic colours
  • tie their own shoe laces
  • know how to count from one to ten
  • know how to sit and listen to a story
  • know the days of the week
  • look after their own belongings
  • know their birthday and birth month

Each Thursday, a newsletter is sent home with the eldest child in each family. If you find that your child is not bringing a newsletter home, please contact the school office. The newsletter is also sent by email; please provide the Office with your current e-mail address.
The newsletter is an important source of information for the community, and includes school news, BOT news, PTA news and Community news.


 The office is attended from approximately 9am to 11am every day.   


Gorge Road School holds an annual Pet Day during October, usually the Friday before Labour Day. This event is for children to show their pets and to share how they take care of them. There are also floral art, baking and construction sections. There is a pre-school section for younger children to participate in. In addition adults are invited to enter the Best Decorated Cake competition. These are auctioned with funds donated to school activities.
The school is always pleased for parents or community members to be involved in the preparation, running and enjoyment of Pet Day.
Please contact the school to find out more. We love to see lots of the Community here, and sharing the day with the children.  


The school develops policies and procedures for various aspects of school operation. These are reviewed regularly to strengthen operations.
You can view our policies on :- 


Formal reporting of children’s progress to parents and caregivers is provided at regular intervals during the year. Written reports are completed at the end of terms Two and Four. There are three timetabled opportunities to talk with the classroom teacher. Teacher Chats during term 1 and 3 are less formal. The chat following mid-year reports is more formal.
Gorge Road School does maintain an ‘open door policy’ and welcomes transparent communication.


Students can wear the sports uniform of red polo and blue shorts or long pants. You can order these at or call into the uniform NZ shop, by Southern Wings, at the airport.
Jewellery:- Wearing of jewellery is restricted to a watch, stud or sleeper earrings and jewellery of cultural significance.


A fee of $20 per junior and $25.00 per senior pupil is charged for stationery used during the year.


Pool Keys are available at $90 for the season.

The Pool Committee has set the following pool rules:

  • Children under 8 years must be supervised by person at least 16 years old.
  • All children under the age of 16 within the Pool Complex must be supervised at all times by an adult (18 years or over) who is a key holder or a delegated family representative. At the parents/caregivers discretion, 16 & 17 year olds may supervise younger members of their immediate family.
  • No jeans are to be worn in the pool.
  • No running
  • No diving in the shallow pool area
  • The pool is to be used between 6am and 10pm during School Terms, extended to 11pm during the holidays You may use the pool during school hours only if the School not using Pool. A notice is to be displayed when the school will be using complex.
  • Parents are to check that the changing sheds and toilets are left in a clean and tidy condition.
  • Keyholders are responsible to ensure pool is locked on departure.
  • A Conditions of Use Agreement for pool users of Gorge Road and Districts pool must be signed.
Supporters and Sponsors

Parents, please support our local businesses

Progressive Engineering Southland Ltd Robin Greer - PGG Wrightson Real Estate Southern Slurry Ltd Cleanflo Filtration Ltd Layne Morresey - Progressive Livestock
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