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To ensure our students are able to take their place in the world they will be Resilient, Resourceful, Respectful and Responsible individuals
Gorge Road School is a Year 1-8, full primary school located on the Southern Scenic Route to the Catlins between Invercargill and Fortrose. We are staffed with three teachers for core curriculum areas, and a teaching Principal. Our staff brings a range of expertise, abilities and interests to their classrooms, providing a broad foundation for creative and exciting educational opportunities and positive learning outcomes for all of our students.
Our school is a key part of the Gorge Road community and is well served by a team of highly professional and skilled staff, an efficiently run Board of Trustees led by Dianne, and an enthusiastic PTA led by Kim .
Gorge Road School is part of the Lower Mataura Valley Community of Learning and the Southern Zone Cluster of Schools. The Zone offers a wide range of sports as well as opportunities to mix with seven other schools for inter-school sporting and cultural experiences. The Zone also runs a programme especially for Years 7 & 8 students.
Our small class sizes allow us to ensure optimum levels of achievement for all students by engaging them in personalised learning relevant to their needs, so they are challenged and motivated to work hard, and to enjoy their successes.
We pride ourselves on being a vibrant multi-cultural environment, with students identifying as NZ European, Indonesian, Dutch, Filipino and Maori. See our performance at Polyfest 2019.
We are committed to maintaining strong partnerships between school and home.
We believe that the best learning takes place with positive, transparent communication, and encourage you to share your comments regarding your child’s learning with us.
Jenny Craig
14 Oct 2024
23 Oct 2024
25 Oct 2024
29 Oct 2024
Hello everyone.
How refreshing to see the sun today.
This is a reminder that we are open for instruction on Monday, and buses will be running again in the morning.
A reminder please, that if your child took their script home, please could they bring it back.
We are looking forward to seeing your children's cheerful faces tomorrow..
Afternoon everyone!
The below children have indicated what they are bringing to pet day on the 25th of October.
Pet Diary info will be sent home to these students later this week and these are due back at school by the 22nd of October.
All other students are able to enter the baking, creations (Lego, Meccano etc) side of pet day.
They are to be made at home and dropped at school on the morning of pet day.
We will in class the week before pet day ALL make a construction at school using recyclable materials.
Kids can be collecting these over the holidays and sending them to school the week before pet day.
More information about how this day will look will also come out this week.
Please mark it in your calendars as we are also hoping to open our Ki O Rahi field too.
Thanks Saskia
Happy Matariki folks,
Hope you are all sorted for a safe and restful long weekend!
Congratulations to the pool committee on a well run event on Saturday night. Scruff did well in his auction prizes from the sound of things.
Thanks Gay for another issue of the Community directory (2024) and newsletter (attached)
Parents, please support our local businesses
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